Reaching A Favorable Child Or Spousal Support Agreement
In most divorce situations, the two partners are moving from one united household to two separate households. Costs are going to rise, but incomes are going to decrease. Child support and spousal support can become important issues in any divorce. Planning for your future is one of the ways that attorney Lori Watson can help you.
At the Law Office of Lori Watson, we will carefully assess your financial circumstances and help you understand the child support guidelines as they apply to your unique situation. Many Georgetown parents have no idea of what they are entitled to under the law. We educate them and then help them obtain the financial support that is their right.
A Knowledgeable Attorney Who Can Answer Your Questions
Attorney Lori Watson boasts more than 20 years of experience in family law. She can help people answer questions that include:
- How much money can I expect in child support or spousal support?
- How much money do I have to pay?
- Why is the amount so high, or low?
How Is Child Support Determined?
In Texas, there are guidelines based on factors such as your net income, union dues, tax, health insurance for yourself and your children and other factors. These are all put into a formula that determines the child support payment that will be made.
At our law office, we will clearly and carefully review your financials. Child support payments from the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent can range from 20 percent of net income on up. Deductions can be taken for various items, including health care costs.
Ms. Watson is well-versed in the special deviations that may affect the amount of child support that is ultimately determined. We have an excellent understanding of the guidelines that will help you pursue a fair support outcome.
If your circumstances change or you are seeking to relocate, you may need to seek a divorce modification. By the same token, if your child support is not being honored, then you may need to seek enforcement.
Achieving Fair Alimony Outcomes
In Texas, spousal support (alimony) can be part of a divorce decree. When there is a pending divorce, our office can seek temporary support on our client’s behalf that will last while the divorce is pending. Permanent alimony or spousal support may be available post-divorce in certain circumstances, such as in a marriage that has lasted over 10 years where one spouse is unable to provide adequate support for themselves or in a case where a spouse has become disabled or where one spouse has been convicted of family violence
Get Started Today — Call Us Now
To schedule a confidential meeting with a caring, experienced lawyer, please call us at 512-931-2121 or send our family law office an email.